La camera buissima. Viaggio alle origini della fotografia tra storie, invenzioni ed esperimenti
by Lauzana, Elisa, Lazzarin, Irene
What happens if the new generations – and not only them – are revealed that the omnipresent nostalgia filter of our smartphones points to a world that actually existed? They might discover that photography isn’t an ‘old story,’ but an indispensable, living tale that can be experienced and reinterpreted as if it were a game. Taking photos has become a spontaneous, everyday act, and often, young eyes within families or schools don’t have the chance to experiment with a more conscious use of photography and uncover its origins. The 19th century serves as a fascinating starting point for comprehending today’s photography in all its complexity. By delving into the origins of the photographic medium, the youngest ones will encounter misunderstood artists and insatiable travelers, failed experiments and strokes of genius, photographs not made of pixels but of chemical reactions and matter. All of this is thanks to the workshop conducted by Irene Lazzarin and Elisa Lauzana, both experts in photographic languages and dedicated educators, in a primary school classroom in Bologna. The history of photography is also a tale of the modern gaze, of a way, or rather many ways, of looking at reality and communicating it. To tell this story is also an invitation to enrich and believe in one’s own perspective.
- Publishing house Quinto Quarto
- Year of publication 2023
- Number of pages 159
- ISBN 9788885546523
- Foreign Rights Valentina, Colombo,
- Awards Premio Andersen 2024 - Miglior libro di divulgazione
- Price 17.00
Lauzana, Elisa, Lazzarin, Irene
Irene Lazzarin, 1989. Graduated in Photography for Cultural Heritage and Image Graphics at the ISIA of Urbino, she works for several years in the field of didactics of photographic languages. Currently she teaches photography in a high school of Modena.
Elisa Lauzana, 1989. After graduating in New Technologies for Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bergamo, she began working in education, using photography as a research language. She works in the educational department of the MAST Foundation.