La fiaba come cifra dell’identità europea. Atti del Convegno (Roma, 15 maggio 2019)
by Bray Massimo, Marchetti LauraThis volume collects the proceedings of a conference held in Rome, Italy on May 15th 2019, organized by the government of the Apulia Region, the Public Apulian Theatre-Regional Consortium for Arts and Culture, in collaboration with the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani.At its core, lies the theme of the fairy tale as a product of popular culture,as both a distinct trait of local communities as well as a sign of common European belonging. The introductory reflections by Massimo Bray on the discussion of the Fairy Tale theme (directly tied to the entry Europe in the Italian Encyclopedia of Sciences, Letters and Arts) and by Laura Marchetti on the role of the founding values of fraternity, equality and freedom in the European popular fairy tale are followed by the interventions of twelve additional scholars: Giovanni Puglisi, Bernhard Lauer, Piero Bevilacqua, Luigi M. Lombardi Satriani, Ferdinando Mirizzi, Franca Pinto Minerva, Battista Quinto Borghi, Paolo Ponzio, Lea Durante, Salvatore Colazzo, Domenico Di Leo, Roberto De Simone. The conclusions are entrusted to Aldo Patruno, who contextualizes the interest in the fairy tale in the Apulian territory and subsequently reconstructs the endeavor of the volume as an «attempt, in the surreal absence of a serious debate on the future of Europe, to identify diverse and original interpretative frameworks to tackle a present seemingly lacking in reassuring prospects’.
- Publishing house Treccani
- Year of publication 2024
- Number of pages 204
- ISBN 9788812011865
- Foreign Rights
- Ebook 9788812011872
- Price 22.00
Bray Massimo, Marchetti Laura
Massimo Bray is the general director of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani. In 2013 he was elected deputy with the Democratic Party and appointed Minister for Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism. He is the author of Alla voce Cultura: Diario sospeso della mia esperienza di ministro (Manni, 2019).
Laura Marchetti is a professor of Anthropology at the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria. Among her works: La Madre, il Gioco, la Terra (Laterza, 1994).