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La La Land

“Isn’t it strange we keep running into each other like this?”

Even before the film became a stupendous international box office hit (7 Golden Globes, 6 Oscars, and receipts of over 400 million dollars), the greatness of La La Land as a homage to classic Hollywood cinema was already being applauded. This tribute did not come from an aged director on the wane, but by a filmmaker barely thirty-two who brought an irresistible pop modernity to the work. This fascinating study on the La La Land phenomenon also takes a look at director Chazelle’s two features made before this hit, and his most recent feature First Man on the landing on the moon. Author Tarditi’s book offers a reflective vision of the director’s work and Chazelle’s love for the cinema that is its driving force.

  • – From the musicals of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, to Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen, from Susanna! to Casablanca, Tarditi’s book on La La Land retraces (almost frame by frame) all of the allusions, recollections, and beloved references to Hollywood cherished by fans and film buffs everywhere and of all ages.
  • – The author broadens his study to consider Chazelle’s other features made before and after La La Land, as well as work in progress such as a TV series, to give us a complete understanding of the director’s work.

Simone Tarditi is the founder of the film website “Vero Cinema” and has been a contributor to its reviews since 2015. He works with some of the most important European film festivals and has interviewed many foremost figures in the sector. Just as the protagonists of La La Land, he has a passion for jazz and old movies.