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La selva degli impiccati

Anno Domini 1463, Paris. Imprisoned in a well of the Châtelet, the poet François Villon is sentenced to death on the gallows. He is being accused of murder and theft, and the sentence is not commutable. But when he is about to be hanged, he is graced in extremis. A mysterious benefactor saved him, but there is a price to pay, or more precisely a deal to sign. A pact with the devil: he will have to investigate on the Coquillards, a gang of criminals who used to be his friends. He assumes that he has been “sold” to the justice by one of them, and he is firmly decided to search for the truth. The investigation will lead him to Dijon, in Burgundy, where Villon will meet Joséphine Flamant, a young woman who is become an outlaw, after her uncle Manuel Flamant, who has been accused of having bought an ampoule containing the Devil, was burnt alive. The beautiful Joséphine, however, has many secrets and she is harboring a revenge, in which Villon himself will be involved. Between the forests of Burgundy, the rectory of Saint Benoît, the brothel of La Coquille – the place of a thousand encounters – and the quest for the fleeing Coquillards, the poet and the girl will going through the autumn of a Middle Age incredibly adventurous and disconcerting

The author of the bestseller trilogies IL MERCANTE DI LIBRI MALEDETTI, L’ABBAZIA DEI CENTO PECCATI, IL PATTO DELL’ABATE NERO (Newton Compton) and of the series featuring GIROLAMO SVAMPA as main character (Einaudi). Two million copies sold worldwide, translated into 19 languages.