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What is the secret behind the Girl with the red cloth? What is she looking at, beyond the frame?London, 1929. Alexandre is staring at the road outside of his window, firmly believing that numbers can be the key to decipher life. Maths filters his reality, which feels to him like a problem to be solved. For a long time, he has been holding an extraordinary theory: “the endless sequence”. He formulated this theory, aware of the unimaginable power of numbers and knowing how they could sometimes become dangerous. Until he meets Charlene and discovers a different world: a colourful and irrational one.In their research, the two characters learn that reality is nothing but an endless set of points of view. Their two worlds, so different from each other, will first blend and in the end they will collide, in order to survive.Putting aside any kind of disagreement while putting together numbers and colours, they will try to solve a mystery, by pursuing an investigation that will directly involve them. A mystery that will deepen, when more people and elements are implicated: missing people, enigmas and fascinating stories from past ages. Then, the story incresingly focuses on the theft of a mysterious painting.What links this painting to their research? What is the secret behind the red cloth worn by the girl in the painting?

Elena Mora was born in Parma, Italy, in 2007. The endless sequence is her third novel, after publishing, in 2019, the fantasy book The chronicles of Awad and in 2021, The extra star, an historical novel set during the Second World War. She was awarded the title of ‘Alfiere della Repubblica’ by the Italian President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. This important title of honour is conferred to young people who have stood out in the fields of culture, science, art.