La valutazione scolastica
by Manzi Giulia, Manzi Giulia, Manzi Giulia
La valutazione scolastica (School evaluation) tackles the burning issue of grades and how the misunderstanding of grades affects a student’s growth, not only in school, but in life. Starting from personal experiences, Giulia Manzi traces the analysis of school systems and criteria for evaluation, the relationship between families and teachers and the need for a school that puts the student and his or her learning and personal development needs first. A book aimed at adults, whether parents or teachers, to approach the world of students from a different point of view.
- Publishing house Il Leone Verde
- Year of publication 2019
- Number of pages 120
- ISBN 9788865802168
- Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
- Ebook Disponibile
- Price 14.00 €
Manzi Giulia, Manzi Giulia, Manzi Giulia
Giulia Manzi, daughter of Alberto Manzi (the TV teacher in Non è mai troppo tardi), deepens issues related to school pedagogy starting from her university studies and holds training courses for teachers.