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La vita inizia dove finisce il divano

What happens when you realize that your whole life is based on the expectations of others? How do you react if what you believed your cornrstone fails overnight? Veronica is 33 years old and lives in Paris. After a cancer and the husband who leaves her, she remains alone and takes two years to figure out how to get up while opening a blog and a Twitter account. Giving up everything and going to live in a Volkswagen ‘hippie’ van is a dream for many people, but very few do. Veronica, who does not yet have a driving license, set up on a daring adventure in search of herself and of ‘what to do when she grows up’. A book on the road in the era of social networks, between drivers found on Twitter, social initiatives that flow into real life and the birth of a community of women. ‘Spora’ is Veronica’s nickname on social media, but will become an SRL. ‘Spora’ is someone who gives a voice to thousands of women by demonstrating that one can start over, can be embark on something new, can be reborn.

Veronica Benini was born in Buenos Aires and emigrated to Italy at the age of 14. She graduated in Architecture in Florence and in Paris. After working as a manager in the French capital, she decided to leave everything and returned to Milan to dedicate herself first to heels and then to marketing and social media. She is an ‘inspirer for women’, held two TEDx and spoke at the Woman Economic Forum on the issues of emancipation and self-esteem.