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This book is dedicated to one of Leonardo’s less investigated facets: his scientific genius.Flying machines, giant crossbows that couldn’t be built, animated mountains that opened up to put on a show: Leonardo Da Vinci’s wonderful inventions stemmed from his ability to observe – a crucial tool to understand the world.His comprehensive vision provided the best possible picture of the world at the time and it could work just as well today, now that the fine lines between the various disciplines are beginning to blur.Leonardo the scientist contributed to many fields, including mechanics, hydraulics, anatomy and zoology.

Enrica Battifoglia is a science journalist at ANSA press agency. She has taken part in expeditions to Antarctica, the Western Sahara and the Ev-K2-CNR in Nepal.Elisa Buson is a science journalist. She collaborates with ANSA, the weekly Starbene and the monthly Ok Salute e Benessere.