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Lezioni di deontica. Dagli appunti di Marco Q. Silvi (1996-1997)

The book Lezioni di deontica collects the lectures of the Philosophy of Law course held by Amedeo Giovanni Conte at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pavia in the academic year 1996-1997. Lezioni di deontica deal with central topics to deontics, philosophy of normative language and general theory of law, topics to which Conte devoted most of his research activity: (i) deontic sentence, (ii) deontic validity, (iii) deontics in Ludwig Wittgenstein, (iv) constitutive rules, (v) the specificity of prescriptive texts, (vi) performativity, and (vii) the logics of deontics. The book is the result of a re-elaboration of Conte’s lecture notes, carried out with the intention of framing, in a systematic and organic way, the exposition of his research (at least those to which he devoted most attention in those years). In this perspective, therefore, Lezioni di deontica can be a useful introduction to Conte’s philosophical thought, even for students or for those who intend to start approaching Conte’s research. At the same time, in spite of the reworking and the systematization of the contents, the book try to preserve the lively and brilliantly problematic spirit that has always characterized Conte’s teaching, trying, in the end, to preserve the “style” and the “tone” and, with them, the memory of a great maestro.

A.G. Conte (1934 – 2019) has been libero docente at the University of Turin, professor emeritus at the University of Pavia, national member of the Accademia dei Lincei, Rome. Among his publications: Saggio sulla completezza degli ordinamenti giuridici, 1962; Filosofia del linguaggio normativo (3 voll.), 1989-2001; Filosofia dell’ordinamento normativo, 1997; Sociologia filosofica del diritto, 2011; Adelaster. Il nome del vero, 2016.