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A brutal murder in today’s dark Venice has its roots in events that took place in 1308. The recovery of a secret manuscript leads to an obscure mystery that intertwines the lives of people divided by history, united in destiny, by the search of the never revealed truth. The series of events in the story are characterised by claustrophobic atmospheres and a growing psychological tension, in order to compose a rebus that leads to a sort of annulment of time. At this point, it becomes clear that it is time to question our certainties about the story and the reader will reach an unexpected conclusion. In reality, it does not matter whether an event has happened or not, but how much a person is willing to believe it has happened. And this is what makes the difference, when trying to recognize what is true and what is not.

Neil Mongillo, writer and essayist, has two successful novels to his credit, published by Guida Editori, Il Sogno di Dio (God’s dream) and La Rosa di Jericho (Jericho’s rose), which have won the national ‘Martedì Letterari’ award and have been reviewed by the critic and essayist Giovanna Scarsi. He has also published an illustrated book for children, entitled Re Pulce e il Mistero di Ramuth (King Flea and the Mystery of Ramuth), published by Planet Book in 2020.