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Lockeed F/TF – 104G Starfighter

An excellent monography on the Lockheed F104! A unique and revolutionary aircraft in its field, which influenced many military choices of the Aeronautica Militare and played and important role in the Italian aerospace industry. In the first part of the volume the author retraces the history of this fighter, starting from its creation in the late ʻ50s to the evolution of the various types. Following the sections dedicated to TF- 104G twin seater and to the Recce RF-104G. The third part describes the role of this great fighter in Italy, its missions and duties. There are of course also the chapters dealing with the colouring, the technical description and the modelling notes. The latter is dedicated to the Hasegawa modelling kit (1/48scale) of G version. The text is bilingual (Italian/english).



Stefano Cosci was born in Pisa on 1964. He is Deputy Editor of Rivista Aeronautica. He has always been interested in all aeronautical subjects, from model-making to photography.