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LS – Corso interattivo di lingua italiana per stranieri

LS is an Italian language course for foreigner students from level A1 to B2. It is aimed to young adults and adult learners who study Italian in Italy as well as in other countries.

The structure of the course and the reach offer of different supports make it suitable for learners of languages similar to Italian. The course is also intended for students who have a mother tongue far from Italian, in particular if they have linguistic-communicative skills in English or in another language similar to Italian.

Each level of LS is composed of 7 Units divided into two lessons each, with sections that are repeated in each Unit (vocabulary, grammar, communication, civilization, revision and expansion section, etc..) or every two Units (a part dedicated to a communication project, a self-assessment section). The appendix has several materials in the book (grammar tables and glossary) or online (multilingual glossaries, translation of the deliveries of exercises for LS A1, etc..) in order to guide or help the students.

LS is aimed to improve the use of social tools in the class, as well as audiovisual and multimedia materials (video, online games, etc..) in order to build linguistic and cultural experiences for developing communication skills, ready to be spent in the different contexts in which Italian is used, both in Italy and abroad.

Marco Mezzadri is Professor of Teaching Modern Languages at the University of Parma.

Paolo E. Balboni is Professore of of Teaching Languages at the University Ca\’ Foscari in Venice.