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Mito NBA. Come il basket può migliorarci la vita

What about the epic deeds of heroes like Ulysses, Achilles and Hercules? We study them at school and watch them on TV like simple fairytales, but mythology is not dead. Even though they are not epic warriors, we have our myths as well: singers, actors, athletes… Sport in particular is the kingdom of modern heroes. And the NBA is no doubt the most heroical and mythical championship.

Like a modern Homer\’s work, the book makes us dream, move, reflect, learn and excite through human and sport stories of great basket legends like Antetokounmpo, James, Bryant, Westbrook, Durant, Curry… These giants\’ victories and defeats will teach us eight fundamental sport values, one for every chapter, and at the end we will be different, better, ready to deal each with his/her own challenge. Just like the heroes of classic mythology, the NBA stars are here turned into role models, exceptional manifestations of the humanity we have to safeguard and nurture to write our own legend.

Simone Rosi (1997) has an Instagram account, called “Il saggio dello sport”, where he talks about sport motivation and philosophy. In 2017 he published Talks on basket. Game philosophy and art for Bradipolibri and Playing field philosophy. Street basket culture for Ultra. In 2018 he wrote Derby philosophy. The legend of the three European queens for Dominioni, as part of a board game called “Basket flip”.