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Narciso cacciatore. Un’ipotesi sul mostro di Firenze

In 1984 a man, a multiple felon from Prato, claimed to be the Monster of Florence. His home stood a few meters from three of the murder sites. His employment placed him in direct contact with one of the victims. This study, based on years of investigation and interviews, outlines his life and activities, noting disconcerting similarities with the monster’s story.

Cristiano Demicheli, from Genoa, born in 1975, is the author of Melasia (Rizzoli, 2011), Cronache dalla Val Lemuria (Hypnos, 2019), L’anno delle volpi (Hypnos, 2022) as well as various short stories and articles that have appeared in collections and magazines. On the case of the Florence Monster, he has already published Quell’oscuro desiderio. Un profilo del mostro di Firenze (Rogas, 2020).