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Alvise, Silvia and Daniele are three teenagers from wealthy Venetian families. One day, they steal the boat of Alvise and Silvia’s father and embark on a journey across the Adriatic Sea. During their first stop on land, they meet Emira, a girl from Albania who left her home in the hope of a better future, but ended being trapped in a human traffic business and forced to sell her body. On the run from her jailor, Emira joins the three friends and together they head for Istria. But nothing is as it seems, and soon conflicts erupt amongst the group – while the Police starts looking for them.

Maurizio Crema is a professional journalist and writer, editor-in-chief of Economics at the newspaper Il Gazzettino. His previous books – focused on journeys (real and imagined) and places like Venice, Corfu, Romania and Albania – have been published by Ediciclo.