Noi siamo luce
by Brioschi Laura
Right bodies or wrong bodies don’t exist, people exist: and each person has their own particularities, which make them unique. Every body deserves love and respect.This message comes from Laura Brioschi, the former curvy model who supports the Body Positive movement and who is a source of inspiration to over half a million people on Instagram. For many years Laura Brioschi fought a war against her own body, a war called bulimia, but it wasn’t easy for her to understand that she needed help. Analyzing the way in which we are bombarded daily by the wrong messages, above all by the media that want to make us believe we’re not okay as we are, Laura Brioschi takes us through her life, recounting the suffering she went through in feeling herself to be in the “wrong” body.Laura, together with her partner Paolo, has organized events, meetings, she has breathed life into projects that can help a multitude of people who didn’t know where to start their journey of personal growth and acceptance of themselves.The Body Positive Catwalk flashmobs brought hundreds of people into the main squares of Milan and Rome, all of them ready to rid themselves of all prejudices and to exhibit themselves in their underwear, together with Laura: free of weight, of physical type, of the colour of their skins, of any disability.
- Publishing house De Agostini
- Year of publication 2020
- Number of pages 208
- ISBN 9788851181765
- Price 15.90 €
Brioschi Laura
Laura Brioschi, together with her partner Paolo, has organized events, meetings: the Body Positive Catwalk flashmobs brought hundreds of people into the main squares of Milan and Rome, all of them ready to rid themselves of all prejudices and to exhibit themselves in their underwear, together with Laura: free of weight, of physical type, of the colour of their skins, of any disability.