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A round table. Yes, this book is a round table discussion. A bit like King Arthur did by gathering his 25 knights around it. Here to lend a hand there are about forty or so. Arthur’s enemy was called Mordred, ours is called Covid-19 and is much more dangerous both for being invisible and for having taken over almost the whole world. Which, thinking about it, postulates that some change, even of an adverse sign, is inevitable.

Piero Antonio Toma, professional journalist, worked for Il Sole 24 Ore. He currently collaborates with La Repubblica. He founded and directed the Informedia press agency, some periodicals and a publishing house. He has written about fifteen books of fiction, poetry and meta-historical essays. For the Guida publisher he wrote Dal Mezzogiorno al Mediterraneo il lungo tempo della rinascita (2015), for which in 2017 received the Award international Francesco Saverio Nitti.