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I Love Differences is the first book relating to the new brand Pennuti Skizzati created by the artist and author Clara Grassi. From her drawings a world full of birds and other funny animals take life and transmit important values, always keeping a funny and ironic approach on life. The hard cover book is targeted for all ages, full of funny birds with their message of acceptance and respect of differences and similarities. Have fun with the simple yet thoughtful sentences and the many birds following them.

Clara Grassi was born in Lovere in 1982. After graduating at art school, she became an illustrator. The idea for Pennuti Skizzati and the first drawing date back to 2000. Loves to travel and different cultures. Nowadays, she is a freelance and helds creative labs for kindergartens. From 2015 she is become mom of Susanna. Always wears mismatched socks…