2 August 2023

Per mano

by Bandirali Sante
Per mano

The incredible life of Paul Wittgenstein, talented pianist and descendant of one of the wealthiest and most tragic families of the Hapsburg Empire, comes to life in this picture book, whose blunt yet poetic text blends in with the suffused illustrations, that trace therefined and decadent atmospheres of the end of the Belle Époque.

  • Publishing house Uovonero
  • Year of publication 2023
  • Number of pages 40
  • ISBN 9791280104366
  • Foreign Rights Sante Bandirali:
  • Price 16.50

Bandirali Sante

Sante Bandirali is a publisher, translator, musician and author. He translated for the Italian market many books for children and young adults.

Gloria Tundo was born and raised in Mondovì in 1993, hilltops and the faraway whistle of a train in the background. This project with uovonero was born during her master’s course.

Per mano

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