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Per una pedagogia emancipante. Pasolini, con rustic amòur

On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Pier Paolo Pasolini, which school would the teacher Pasolini have chosen and wanted today, during the pandemic catastrophe? And how can students still experience the opening of worlds, and will teachers be able to decentralize themselves from their own ego and its ghosts to open up to the other, as master Pasolini demanded of himself? These are questions that accompany us if we re-read these original interventions, which reveal themselves to be even more signi cant when compared with the present, as the curators have decided to do.

Annamaria Palmieri lives and works in Naples. She currently holds the position of councilor for school and education of his city; she is a professor of literature in a well-known Neapolitan high school and a contract professor of Italian literature at L’Orientale. President of the Cidi of Naples from 2009 to 2011, she continues to fight to guarantee the rights of pupils and teachers.