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Principi di design. Progettare prodotti e sistemi interattivi sui bisogni delle persone

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a field of research and development, methodology, theory and practice, with the goal of designing, building and evaluating interactive systems. For years, solutions have been designed and implemented to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of performance, as the only determining factors for the interactive quality of a system (usability). With the growing diffusion of information technologies in people\’s private lives, it has come to the awareness that the correct execution of tasks was no longer the only measure of success of an interactive system. The ‘negative’ view of usability, as an interactive quality in the ‘absence of problems’, is seen as a reductionist element. New concepts developed to evaluate the non-utilitarian qualities of products (amusement, pleasantness, motivation, gratification, emotion, or social identification) have been included in the research field called User eXperience (UX).

PhD in biomathematics and bioinformatics, Guido Fusco is professor of ‘Design of digital environments’ at the Federico II of Naples and of ‘Computer science laboratory’ at the Orientale of Naples. President of the Esario Internet Marketing company, he is vice president of CNA Campania and member of the Board of Directors of the Digital Innovation Hub CNA Campania.