5 May 2020

Puglia, journey through colour

by Simonetti Enrica
Puglia, journey through colour

Sky blue, Murgia green, chalk white, fire red: who opens this book must be ready to embark on a journey through colour. Four itineraries following the colours of Puglia, lit up by the pomp of a castle, the marvel of a cave fresco and the plainness of a poppy field or a trip to the lighthouse. Desert islands and cliffs, famous beaches, hikes through the woods and walks across the dazzling white of the historical districts, stepping into masserie and cathedrals, wandering to lonely towers and old theatres. In the “chaos” of Beauty reigns the perfection of a South that is not a brand to be exported, but an interior goal, the endless quest for a South that is inside all of us.

  • Publishing house Adda
  • Year of publication 2021
  • Number of pages 246
  • ISBN 9788867174904
  • Price 30.00 €

Simonetti Enrica

Degree in Political Science and works as a journalist for \’La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno\’, where she writes on society and culture. She is the author of three books, published by Laterza, on the subject of the sea and the lighthouses (“Lampi e splendori\’, \’Fari d\’Italia\’, \’Luci sull\’Adriatico\’) and of an investigative journalism book on the caporalato (illegal recruitment of farm labourers) in southern Italy titled \’Morire come schiavi\’ (published by Imprimatur).

Puglia, journey through colour

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