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Ricco solo risparmiando

  • • Learn to live in a conscious way and become really wealthy
  • • Stop wasting money on things that don’t provide anything in return
  • • Use the money you earn to get more money, possessions, investments,and income

Do you really think the only way to get rich is to inherit a lot of moneyor win the lottery? Get Rich by Saving Money will show you that havinglarge amounts of money is not the same as being rich. Wealth does notdepend on how much money you have in the bank, but on the abilityto generate new revenue.Even when you don’t earn bilions, you can still learn to save enoughand then make sound investments, so as to create continuous income. A“guided tour” will allow you to choose two different savings strategies,thanks to which, over a period of several years, a family can easily get toown more than 250,000 euros, to invest and transform into more money.

FRANCESCO NARMENNI is a famousblogger and a passionate musician. Afterquitting his 9-5 job, he has been livingbetween Italy and the Canary Islands.