Ricerche sulle tecniche di scrittura delle «Istituzioni» di Gaio
by Arces Pierfrancesco, Arces PierfrancescoGaius’ Institutions have always occupied a very special position in the panorama of law studies and, more generally, in Western legal culture. Subject of an endless series of analyses, the manual written shortly after the second half of the II century A.D. by a jurist known to us only by name has been indicated from time to time as a paradigm of classicism or as a mediocre product of a provincial master, on whose identity all kinds of conjecture has been formulated. Very recent methodological orientations hope for a return to the text understood as the place of the «mysterious appointment» with its author, according to the metaphor, openly allusive to Benjaminian suggestions, formulated by a contemporary scholar. In this perspective, this book retraces the main questions traditionally posed in the literature about the genesis, form and method of implementation of the Institutions, also in relation to the target environment, and, as a result of the analysis of well-known sections of the Gaian manual, the text and its formation are read in a way that takes into account the re-evaluation, in progress for over half a century, of the didactic literature of antiquity, without however neglecting older intuitions and lines of research, of which a recovery is proposed, freed from the methodological extremism that has heavily compromised its consideration in recent decades.
- Publishing house LED Edizioni Universitarie
- Year of publication 2020
- Number of pages 130
- ISBN 9788879169578
- Price 23.00 €
Arces Pierfrancesco, Arces Pierfrancesco
Pierfrancesco Arces (Grottaglie, 5 november 1976) is Associate Professor of Roman Law and Law of Antiquity at the Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Eastern Piedmont, where he teaches Institutions of Roman Law, Roman Law and History of Roman Law. In this Series he has published the Studi sul disporre mortis causa. Dall’età decemvirale al diritto classico (2013).