Riserva di gradimento nella compravendita. Diritto romano e tradizione romanistica
by De Maddalena, LindaUnlike other main ancillary contractual clauses typical of the Roman contract of sale (lex commissoria and in diem addictio), the pactum displicentiae was not given specific titles by the Justinian compilers. Therefore, the reconstruction of its regulation is almost entirely left to the interpretation of the limited number of legal sources that have come down to us on the subject. The interpretation offered here of these testimonies of the reflection on the approval clause that occurred during the classical Roman legal experience aims to highlight the differences in its regulation derived from the typical casuistic Roman method compared to the conceptual categories developed by the Pandectist school and consolidated in modern legal science.
- Publishing house LED Edizioni Universitarie
- Year of publication 2024
- Number of pages 130
- ISBN 9788855131742
- Foreign Rights Valeria Passerini / Tiziana Battaglia
- Price 27.00
De Maddalena, Linda
Linda De Maddalena is ‘Senior Researcher’ in Roman Law at the University of Bern. She teaches ‘Übungen zum Romischen Recht’ and ‘Italiano giuridico’, and is the author of the book Litis causa malo more pecuniam promittere: sulla contrarietà ai boni mores del patto di quota lite (Zürich 2015, Dike Verlag), as well as various other essays, mainly on law of persons and family law also from a diachronic comparative perspective with modern legal experiences.