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From foods of mass destruction to a new culture of food and foodproductionThe scientific and cultural revolution of nutrigenomics, beyond the dangersof food industry, the lies of mainstream science and the brainwashing ofmarketing and advertisingFood is no longer what it was in the past. Fruits and vegetables are tastelessand almost in every food we find traces of toxic substances leading toseveral diseases. Multinationals are using genetics to patent foods and takeover the food market globally.However, researchers in nutrigenomics are calling upon a revolutionbased on the extraordinary scientific and cultural effects of proper nutrition:activate important genes for our DNA, turn off defective genes, prevent ortreat diseases without drugs.Knowing the dangers of processed foods is vital in order to avoid themand apply new discoveries to our everyday life.

“Control food and you control the people.”- Henry Kissinger

MARCO PIZZUTI holds a degree in Lawand works for a service firm operating forthe most prestigious Italian governmentinstitutions. He has been passionatelydoing independent research for over20 years, and has so far written 7 investigativebooks that rapidly becamebest-sellers.