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Nicholas Laudomia just can’t remember. His mind is confused and an amnesia prevents him from reconstructing the exact sequence of events of that Friday night when, drunk, he decided to join Victoria at her home in Canessa as a last, desperate chance to recover his relationship with her. The young woman, exasperated by her fiancé’s repeated promises to change her life and abandon dubious acquaintances, had ended the relationship and the next morning was found dead, shot twice. An atrocious doubt creeps into Nicholas who, in an extreme attempt to recover a memory that he knows could condemn him, decides to turn to Dr Diomira to undergo a hypnosis session with unexpected and disturbing consequences.

Tommaso de Sando (Siena, 1985) lives and works as a designer in Milan. He is also involved in filmmaking, making commercials and short films. In 2019 he reworks the screenplays of two amateur films made with friends resulting in Scene da una memoria, his first novel.