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Diala is 35 years old and she’s from Syria. Her drawings help Syrian children overcome the trauma of war, but someone considers them forbidden. Se chiudo gli occhi… is the story of children carrying weapons, children forced to work, children with no right to education, little girls forced to get married. In a nutshell, children become adults too soon. Diala becomes their voice and now tells their stories through her drawings.
The book is a tool for understanding the war in Syria and an invitation to peace, that we can reach only starting from the education of those children, who will have, in their future, the responsibilities of rebuild a wounded country and its history.

Francesca Mannocchi is a freelance journalist. She’s been a war correspondent from Egypt, Libya and The Balkans. She won the Giustolisi prize in 2015 and the Premiolini in 2016. Her documentary, Isis, tomorrow. The lost souls of Mosulwas presented at the 2018 Venice film Festival. Diala Brisly is a cartoonist, layout artist, painter and character designer. Justice, freedom and human rights are constant topics of all her works. In 2014 she began drawing murals in refugee camps