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Sentire e comprendere. La filosofia biografica di Antonio Gramsci

Reading Lettere dal carcere (Letters from prison) by Antonio Gramsci in the light of contemporary theories on philosophical advice and autobiographical practices allows us to get the moral and ethical richness of this work. The experience of the intellectual and the politician becomes autobiography where, in the great diary of the prison, the writing is nourished by memories, anecdotes, prose of reflection, which lead Gramsci to make his own thought an instrument of defense and care in the extreme situation of imprisonment. An exceptional analytical operation that shows how the power of self-consciousness allows not to lose human dignity, and that announces a different relationship between knowledge and understanding.

Francesco Maria Iposi (Vicenza, 1980) graduated in History of Political Doctrines at Ca\’ Foscari University in Venice, where he later got also a degree in Philosophy. After graduating from the Master of the Superior School of Philosophical Counseling (Vicenza, Italy), he was assistant and operator in a family community. Now he is secondary school teacher.