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Soft Seventies. L’epoca d’oro del soft rock

In the early 1970s, after the Beatles, Woodstock and psychedelia, rock was questioning its ability to still represent the pop culture of the new decade. In this climate, from the dynamic Los Angeles music scene, the ‘West-Coast sound’ broke ties with its past, that of the Doors, the Greatful Dead, and the Bay Area. A group of new artists rewrote the rules of a transformation that would subvert the patterns of a genre and mark an entire era. The result was a style in which the rock of its origins could still be recognized, though profoundly changed in form and substance, more catchy, persuasive and reassuring, certainly much more pop. California, the birthplace of this revolution, quickly infected the rest of the world, beginning an extraordinary musical adventure.

Francesco M. Tandoi was born in Corato, 48 days before the start of the Summer of love and 27 days before the release of Sgt. Pepper. He went through the late 1970s and the following decades always attentive to what was happening musically around him. A medical graduate from Siena and a specialist in Pediatrics/Neonatology from Bari, he currently lives and works in Varese, Italy.