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Storia d’Italia dal 1815 al 1849. Il primo Risorgimento

When does the Risorgimento begin? The topic has been dividing historiography for so long! Undoubtedly the first positive results begin to be glimpsed with the Wars of Independence. However, the decades that preceded them should not be overlooked. Years in which a feeling of love of country, independence from foreigners and constitutional desire was formed and refined. The author, keeping in mind this growing state of mind of autonomy, freedom and participation of peoples in the management of the state, has created this volume. In it you can feel the Risorgimento \’rising\’, you can breathe it and feel it grow in the hearts and minds of the population.

Vincenzo Cuomo is an Italian politician, Senator of the Italian Republic from 2013 to 2017. On 13 June 2022 he was re-elected mayor of Portici for the fourth time. He graduated in Modern Literatureat the University of Naples Federico II. Journalist, he is a member of the Italian Society of Military History. Scholar of historical issues and problems, he has created works that constitute a rigorous reconstruction of events linked to the evolution of Western civilization.