10 April 2024

Storie e segreti delle grandi famiglie italiane. Dagli Agnelli ai Versace, dai Manzoni agli Olivetti: fortune e protagonisti delle dinastie più potenti

by Monaco Rossella
Storie e segreti delle grandi famiglie italiane. Dagli Agnelli ai Versace, dai Manzoni agli Olivetti: fortune e protagonisti delle dinastie più potenti

Which dynasties have influenced the history of our country? This book brings together twenty-five portraits of families that, for merits or adverse fortune, have distinguished themselves from the Unification of Italy to the present day. It is a journey to discover the mysteries, secrets, curiosities and concealments that for political, economic or personal ethical interests have been hushed up or passed over in the background. The men and women recounted in this book are symbols of the stages of Italy’s history and have contributed to writing it, in different areas and periods: from the construction of modern cities to the first flights, from the fledgling attempts at industrial progress to the dematerialisation of capital and ideas. From earth to space, from sacrifices to waste, from illness to cure, from freedoms to closures, back and forth. The history of the great Italian families of yesterday and today Among the stories in the book: Edoardo Agnelli’s last flight The Crespi family, the workers’ village and the dream of overcoming death Leonardo Del Vecchio, a life of rules for an unconditional future The Feltrinelli family and the story of the bear; Enzo and Dino Ferrari: when a father inherits from a son; Michele Ferrero, Beppe Fenoglio and the chocolate machine; The murder of Maurizio Gucci between representation and reality; Gioacchino Lauro and the ‘Neapolitan-style blow’; Umberto Marzotto: sailing around the world for freedom; Gianni Versace and the time capsule.

  • Publishing house Newton Compton Editori
  • Year of publication 2021
  • Number of pages 320
  • ISBN 9788822745590
  • Foreign Rights Rossella Monaco
  • Price 12.00

Monaco Rossella

Rossella Monaco  translated unpublished works by Dickens, Gaskell, H. D. Thoreau, Verne and Scott Fitzgerald. She translated novels and essays for Garzanti, Rizzoli, Newton Compton, Ponte alle Grazie, Lonely Planet. She wrote I grandi eroi della montagna (Newton Compton) and Storie e segreti delle grandi famiglie italiane (Newton Compton). She reads manuscripts in Italian and other languages, edits texts and revises translations; teaches in publishing courses.

Storie e segreti delle grandi famiglie italiane. Dagli Agnelli ai Versace, dai Manzoni agli Olivetti: fortune e protagonisti delle dinastie più potenti

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