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Sulle rotte di Ceuta e Melilla. Frontiere e osmosi sul confine ispano-marocchino

Ceuta and Melilla, small enclaves located on the African shore of the Mediterranean, stand as a paradigm of the contemporary. Crossroads of migratory flows that envelop the Spanish-Moroccan border and protagonists of a singular linguistic hybridization, the two cities redefine and remodel the principles and socio-political forms of Europe. The history of the two enclaves, built over the millennia of colonization, has in fact delivered a complex present that expands the right of asylum, transforms the limes into an impedimental frontier and crystallizes new linguistic interactions. This volume intends to offer an exhaustive picture – albeit limited by the nature of the events constantly in progress – of a geographical, historical, political and cultural space that is still little explored and yet functional to the understanding of the Euro-Spanish contemporaneity.

Angela Sagnella graduated in Modern languages ​​for international cooperation and communication. She is an expert in the analysis of the historical-political aspects of communication in the management of receptionasylum seekers, with particular reference to the Mediterranean area.