12 January 2025

Tekmeria. Vol. 1: Greci in età arcaica: istituzioni, interazioni, tradizioni. Atti del Convegno Dottorale Internazionale di Storia greca (Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano, 10-12 ottobre 2023)

Tekmeria. Vol. 1: Greci in età arcaica: istituzioni, interazioni, tradizioni. Atti del Convegno Dottorale Internazionale di Storia greca (Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano, 10-12 ottobre 2023)

This volume is the result of an international doctoral meeting on Greek History held at the University of Salerno from 10 to 12 October 2023. In it, key-note speakers, doctoral students and young researchers, session chairs and professors from different backgrounds shared, each in their own role, their research experiences, approaches and methods on the topic of the archaic history of the Greeks. It is hoped that the results of the three days’ works will be the start of a series of regular meetings. The topics addressed embrace the broadest fields of research and are open to interdisciplinarity. In some cases, methodological approaches and thematic cores can be identified that lead to points of arrival and start for further research. The added value of the volume, nonetheless, lies in the comparison of approach and method that goes beyond the general theme of Archaic Greece, as well as the themes of the individual contributions, and is projected towards a broader reflection on the way of doing research in the field of Greek history and collecting its results

  • Publishing house LED Edizioni Universitarie
  • Year of publication 2024
  • Number of pages 218
  • ISBN 9788855131711
  • Foreign Rights Valeria Passerini / Tiziana Battaglia
  • Price 32.00

Marina Polito is Associate Professor of Greek History at the University of Salerno. She studies, among other things, minor units of the polis, aspects of historiography and political research in Aristotle, foundation accounts, local and fragmentary historiography, and ethnicity.

Carmine Nastri is a PhD student in Greek History at the University of Salerno. He studies Plutarch, Delphi, its oracle, its institutions, religious expressions of the Greeks, local and fragmentary historiography.

Tekmeria. Vol. 1: Greci in età arcaica: istituzioni, interazioni, tradizioni. Atti del Convegno Dottorale Internazionale di Storia greca (Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano, 10-12 ottobre 2023)

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