Emma Mandley
Native language
- English
Translations from
- French
- Italian
- Fiction
- Storia
- Children
- Storia della arte
Translated texts
- Our World Out of Balance by Andrea Minoglio / Laura Fanelli (Blue Dot Kids Press, 2021)
- A Friend in the Dark by Pascal Ruter (Walker Books, 2017)
- Italian Literature in Translation, Vols 3 and 4, excerpts by Antonella Lattanzi and Giorgio Scerbanenco (Italian Cultural Institute, 2020 and 2021)
- Byzantine and Sasanian Silver, Enamels and Works of Art by Marco Aimone (Thames & Hudson, 2020) (winner of the 2021 ITI Award for best performance on a translation assignment)
- Source material for Fragments & Glimpses, The Life and Work of Francesco Griffo da Bologna (Heavenly Monkey, 2020)