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Tre nuovi enigmi per l’insuperabile Wickson Alieni

After the success of Three Cases for Detective Wickson Alieni, the new adventures of the most invisible detective in the world. What happens if somebody goes around London at night ripping apart clothes and dresses? And what if the most famous criminals, Milton Bobbitt and Roger T.L.L. run away from prison? And what if somebody decides to steal the whole London? That’s easy: you must call for Wickson Alieni. Especially if you are the chief of police Frank Fellikke and your first worry is the welfare of your only hair named Filippo.

Luca Doninelli was born in 1956 and lives in Milan. For Bompiani he published Fa’ che questa strada non finisca mai (2014), Le cose semplici (2015, Selezione Campiello Prize) and Tre casi per l’investigatore Wickson Alieni (2017, Strega Ragazzi Prize).