Un mondo non di questo mondo. La realtà delle immagini e l’immaginazione
by Ferrarin, AlfredoWhat do we mean by imagination? How do we distinguish the kinds of images we are talking about? And what is the relationship between image and word? Is there a cognitive function in imagination? Can imagination be reduced to a purely theoretical faculty, resolved in a mental and private sphere, ignoring its practical, intersubjective, affective aspects? To such conceptual questions this book seeks a systematic and comprehensive answer. Questioning many commonplaces about imagination and images, the volume reflects on the duplicity inherent in every image, on the criteria for distinguishing natural, artificial, mental, and mnestic images, and then dwells on what is imagination, fiction, play, and attempts to understand how our mind moves to distinguish between reality and nonreality.
- Publishing house Edizioni ETS
- Year of publication 2023
- Number of pages 388
- ISBN 9788846765765
- Foreign Rights Marta Vero, foreignrights@edizioniets.com
- Foreign Rights sold English
- Price 30.00
Ferrarin, Alfredo
Full professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Pisa, Alfredo Ferrarin is the author of several essays that have appeared in journals and collected volumes on Kant, Hegel, Aristotle, Hobbes, Husserl, Descartes, and Plato. He has published numerous books in Italian and English, including Hegel and Aristotle (Cambridge University Press, 2001).