Un’insopportabile donna morta
by Coco Scalisi, Stefania
Every resident of the apartment building could be the killer. Every one of them could have a motive, maybe because the victim is not a real victim. But when the case seems closed… A corpse, an apartment building, a bored chief of police, a spring Sunday: we have all the elements for a good thriller. What makes this one different from a classical thriller is that the corpse doesn’t interest us much. We are not trying to say that she deserved that (or maybe she did?), but the other residents are not so willing to cry for the dead and are more oriented on feeling sorry for themselves and tell their lives. The chief of police listens, observes and looking for the victim’s story finds out about the others’, filled up with malice, secrets, bad demeanours, broken dreams.
- Publishing house Bibliotheka Edizioni
- Year of publication 2024
- Number of pages 168
- ISBN 9788869349072
- Foreign Rights Giulia Chinellato, giulia.chinellato@bibliotheka.it
- Ebook 9788869349089
- Price 16.00
Coco Scalisi, Stefania
Stefania Coco Scalisi has graduated in International Relations and has lived in Florence, Milan, Geneve, The Hague, London, Washington, and Tel Aviv. In 2019 she published her first novel, La Democrazia della Felicità. Since 2020 she has been editing for various literary magazines: A4, Rivista Blam, Grado Zero, Pastrengo, Smezziamo, and Storie Bizzarre.