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Uropia – Il Protocollo Maynards

Massimo Maffei is an Italian translator, born and raised in Munich, where he runs a small but thriving agency. When he meets and falls in love with Anna, a young postdoctoral student at the University of Munich, their love story seems to complete his life and make it perfect.He does not imagine that due to his political and civil commitment, the peaceful life of every day he is used to, he will be upset forever. Devastated by the persistent economic stagnation – and in response to the emotional wave provoked by the continuous terrorist attacks and by the growing nationalist populism – the thirty states that made up the EU have melted, merging into a main continental state entity.

Pietro Bargagli Stoffi was born in Pisa in 1975. He has a law degree in his city and has lived 11 years in Germany, of which the last five in Munich.