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VI REGALO UN PÒ DELLA MIA FORZA Ritratti femminili del ‘900

Maria, Lina, Sara, Teresa, Rosina, Iole, Francesca … testify to a strength that came from within and that led them to transform pain into resource, poverty into wealth, submission in harmony in the couple\’s relationship, hard work in ability to support the family, the rigid religious education received by the Church in fidelity to the great values ​​of marriage and morality of morals. They have benefited from what may seem to us only something negative today. They left us with a heritage of serenity and female resilience.

Anna Maria Vissani, Doctor of Moral Theology, holds a Masters in Bioethics from the Sacro Cuore Catholic University. Personality Graphologist and Counselor, she accompanies young people and adults, couples in difficulty and people in search of the meaning of life. She directs a Spirituality Center in the Marche \’Sul Monte\’. She is particularly attentive to the deepening of Easter spirituality.