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It all begins with a scuba diving towards the depths of the sea, a novel that, up to the last page, can literally keep the reader in suspense. Spartaco and Sofì are two young lovers who grew up in an aquatic sponge fishing village. It is the 2146, and the life of the inhabitants proceeds suspended in time, in harmony with nature and its secrets. But one day a mysterious Traveler arrives at the village, who, in order to seize a treasure hidden on the seabed, threatens the existence of the peaceful community. An environmentalist novel that moves sinuously like a fish in the silence of the ocean. A great story of love and endurance.

Marco Marmeggi was born in Livorno in 1979, is a teacher in high school. In 2011 he founded the offshore sailing school \’Diversamente Marinai\’, a social reality that uses the pedagogy of sailing as a tool for integrating differences. In 2015 he got third place in the national competition of \’Il Battello a vapore\’ with the novel Quando sarò grande, sarò un pirata.