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July 1929: Emilio Lussu, an anti-fascist deputy in confinement in Lipari organized a daring escape with two others. It would remain one of the most audacious blows inflicted on the fascist regime. Against the background of this event, the author weaves an adventure. Michele, a native boy of the island which he perceives as a sleeping dinosaur, becomes aware of the iniquity of the system in which he has lived. He learns this through his knowledge of a cultured man of great moral depth. It is a change that will lead him to overcome his fears, face dangers, and face the violence that he himself suffers. Success will lead also to the freedom of his heart and his spirit.

Marco Marmeggi was born and lives in Livorno. Writer and professor of literature, he taught for more than ten years on the island of Elba. Always interested in forms of teaching and learning, he has dedicated a large part of his work as a teacher and sailing instructor to the constant search for new tools for social integration and outdoor education. He made his debut in the world of children’s literature with 2146 and a adaptation of Moby Dick. Il respiro del dinosauro is his second novel.