26 May 2024

A cosa serve un libro?

by Greco Irene , Papini Arianna
A cosa serve un libro?

What are Books for? To learn, to grow, to dream, even to dance! Or can books be of no use at all?Through these 26 maxi game cardschildren of all age groups, teenagers and adults can freely express their views on books and reading, feeling that all different perspectives, from love to distrust, are accepted. The enclosed booklet proposes reflections and activities for each card, to keep playing with books and ideas. The QR code gives access to a rich bibliography and to further insights about the themes dealt with in the cards. A versatile, creative, playful tool with infinite possibilities of interaction for every age group!

  • Publishing house Il Leone Verde
  • Year of publication 2024
  • Number of pages 26
  • ISBN 9788865805015
  • Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini Agency,
  • Price 19.00

Greco Irene , Papini Arianna

Irene Greco worked for twenty years as a bookseller. In 2017 she founded ‘Leggimiprima’, a path designed to share with parents, educators and teachers ‘The art of communicating with children through books and stories’. She is the mother of two very ordinary extraordinary children.

Arianna Papini is a writer, artist, lecturer and art therapist.

A cosa serve un libro?

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