Appendix 2020-2023
by Tonfoni GraziellaExtended biographies are an abridged version, profiles are just summaries, current bibliographies are derivatives of a much wider set of publications of and about a prolific author and lifelong scientist, providing a solid interpretive infrastructure to minimize risk of misinterpretation and misuse of her complex writings.However a set of reports, minutes and a template displayed in Appendix 2020-2023 may adequately represent her daily intense research work meant to ensure high quality in reading, while the scientist herself is repositioning her scientific repository and literary repertoire, comprehensively destined to last and be appreciated over time.
- Publishing house La Sapienza
- Year of publication 2023
- Number of pages 38
- ISBN 9788831955195
- Foreign Rights La Sapienza Editrice
- Price 7.50
Tonfoni Graziella
Graziella Tonfoni : her scholarly pioneering teaching and continued interdisciplinary research displayed in her books and essays in applied linguistics and multimedia education, information science and information design, had been previously packaged, comprehensively defined as interdisciplinary research.