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Aròmia is a beautiful little girl who lives in the village of Essenzia. A witch who is jealous of her grace, puts a spell on her to make her detest water and so the child stops washing. However, two wise wizards manage to free Aròmia of the sorcery thanks to extraordinary bars of soap, and they then give her a magic dress whose scent has the power to cure the pain and sadness of mankind.

“A story steeped in magic and mystery, full of scents and colours, open to the dark side of life such as death while it speaks to the children.” Ilaria Guidantoni – Saltinaria.

Costanza Savini (Bologna 1970) after completing her degree in law she trained as a biosystemic counsellor and teacher of bioenergetics at the International Institute of Psychoanalytical Studies (IPSO) in Milan. She now teaches courses in creative writing applied to techniques of bioenergetics, and has published a number of novels and stories.