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22 empty desks: a class room of absentees. This is what Professor Mario Ruoppolo is facing on his first day as a substitute teacher. Where is everybody? The answer lies in a package of sheets stacked on the desk. These are the school essays written by boys and girls, innocent victims of the mafias. Massacred or forced to witness the most atrocious crimes. True, terrible and often forgotten stories. Stories that force you to open your eyes, and in front of which the professor will recognize the authentic meaning of his profession.

From the founder of the Scugnizzeria, Rosario Esposito La Rossa, a new sharp and relentless novel. Who does not judge, but cries for justice.

Rosario Esposito La Rossa was born in Naples in 1988. He is the first bookseller of Scampia and currently manages the publishing houses Marotta&Cafiero and Coppola publisher. He was nominated Cavaliere della Repubblica by President Mattarella for his daily work with in the territory of Scampia through sport, literature and theater. He founded the Scugnizzeria, a bookshop where hundreds of children spend times and are trained through courses and playful activities.