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Bibliofobia. Un viaggio acrobatico tra volumi, strumenti di scrittura e storie legate alla creatività dei libri

Bibliophobia looks a lot like bibliomania. Both, incredibly, appear to be written in carbon copy. But often fears are simply prejudices. Maybe towards a volume, a topic, an author. Manias and phobias overlap, contrast, cross. Among masks which seem unusual but very similar. And the book, inevitably, sways between repulsion and desire, between the desire not to clog our shelves too much and the anxiety of cataloging a new emotion. These essays, these memories, these stories travel in a creative unconscious made up of profound suggestions, unexpected reflections. And they also leaf through the most delicate pages of the mysterious relationship between men and books. In that universe of suggestions that offer, above all, the fear of happiness.

Giuseppe Scalera is a doctor, journalist, columnist, writer and essayist and has been several times Senator of the Republic and Member of Parliament. Clinical pathologist and multi-specialist, he collaborates with the CNR and with prestigious international university institutions. Founder of the scientific body «O/N OttoNovecento», he is currently on the Editorial Board of the international magazine AW Art Mag.