30 June 2024

C come cervello. Neuroscienze per lettori curiosi

by Turconi Marcello
C come cervello. Neuroscienze per lettori curiosi

Perhaps not everyone knows that there is a priceless treasure hidden inside the head of each of us… In fact, right inside the head (under the hair, the skin and the bones that form the skull) there is an organ little bigger than a large orange, but which is extremely important, indeed it is undoubtedly the most important organ in our entire body: we are talking about the brain! A journey to discover this fascinating and fundamental organ of the human body, responsible for everything that happens to us: from movement to sensory perceptions, from emotions to social relations, from memory to learning… Thanks to Allegra Agliardi’s extraordinary illustrations and Marcello Turconi’s simple and amusing language, the book brings to life a surprising ‘city’ to explore, with its inhabitants, its structures and its functioning.

  • Publishing house Nomos Edizioni
  • Year of publication 2021
  • Number of pages 40
  • ISBN 9791259580092
  • Foreign Rights Benedetta Tosi,
  • Price 22.90

Turconi Marcello

Marcello Turconi, PhD in Neuroscience, is a science popularizer and consultant (Master in Science Communication SISSA Trieste). For the University of Milan, he coordinates the communication of several research projects; he has held health promotion courses in primary and secondary schools, and now collaborates on the digital content of school texts and the organisation of science popularisation events, and regularly writes for several newspapers (online and in print).

C come cervello. Neuroscienze per lettori curiosi

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