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Catalogo dei silenzi e delle attese

Cosimo Peragalli is a shy, sensitive boy whose life is as ordinary as it gets – or maybe this is just what it seems on the surface. We first see him in his childhood years at his grandmother’s (who is not the nicest person in the world, but that’s ok), surrounded by nature and all its mysteries, wonders and laws. Then we grow up with him a little bit to try and understand the secrets of the opposite sex, or to explore a new friendship born out of a common passion for fossils. Next, we move forward and meet with a charming aunt and her off-key piano, or end up taking care of his dad’s garden. The innocence and devotion of first love is not far away, and so it’s the moment when Cosimo is now a son of two old people and a father himself.

A high school teacher, Claudio Morandini lives in Aosta. “Neve, cane, piede”, his most famous novel, has been a true literary phenomenon: a top 5 best-seller, it won the Premio Procida-Elsa Morante-Isola di Arturo and it has been sold to 8 Countries so far. A new expanded edition has been published in 2021 by Bompiani. The French paperback of “Le chien, la neige, un pied” won the Prix Lire en Poche de littérature traduite (2021). Some of his other books are sold abroad