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C’eravamo tanto a(r)mati. Storie di calcio della Germania Est

C”eravamo tanto a(r)mati does not just recall an old song, but the spirit of East Germany, which never managed to create a superpower in football as it did in other sports. There remain the time-dulled legends of a way of understanding football that in recounting it today seems impossible. That is why, with the help of some leading figures in the world of Italian soccer who have experienced those atmospheres beyond the curtain live and told us about them, we retrace their myths, characters and stories to understand what soccer really was in the GDR, who it was about and what kind of world it told.

Fabio Belli was born in Rome on August 5, 1980. A journalist, writer and radio host, but he also has some good points. He is the creator of the YouTube channel Football Mystery dedicated to football storytelling.

Marco Piccinelli was born in Rome on January 26, 1992. He is a teacher, a journalist, a Nicchist, a Marxist (not in the Groucho sense), but he also has flaws.